



Ben is a contemporary jeweler and metalsmith. He graduated from Indiana University in May of 2019 with his BFA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry Design. He is currently pursuing his MFA from IU. He has supplemented his education through workshops at Arrowmont Craft School, the Baltimore Jewelry Center, and an apprenticeship in Japan. He has participated in residencies at the Baltimore Jewelry Center and Arrowmont and has taught workshops at the BJC and Metalwerx. Ben has exhibited his work internationally in the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, and Canada.


My work spans a range of forms, from wearables, to vessels, to sculptures. Through these shifting forms, I explore themes shaped by my surroundings, life experiences, and connections with people. As a trained metalsmith, I approach all materials with the same precision and intention, translating my hand skills across various mediums. As my ideas evolve, so do my materials, shifting as needed to best express each piece’s intent. I draw inspiration from the mundane—objects and moments often overlooked or taken for granted. Everyday encounters and familiar things reveal layers of meaning that resonate within my pieces, reflecting my evolving interests and shifting perspectives. Through these quiet influences and thoughtful material choices, I create objects that explore both personal and universal narratives.

In my current body of work, bricks are both symbolic and literal building blocks. They form the foundation of many structures—houses, walls, roads. They are small objects that function as parts of a larger system, and in doing so, they rely on each other to serve their purpose. In my work, bricks represent the processing of grief, connection, and transformation. Initially, I used bricks to explore my need to reflect and rebuild myself in the wake of loss, creating a new foundation for emotional reconstruction. However, grief is not just about laying new foundations; it is also about evolving, changing, and transforming. Bricks, in this context, become metaphors for the stages of emotional growth and the transformations we undergo through life's challenges. My experience with loss has taught me how grief reshapes our internal landscapes. Just as bricks form structures, they also symbolize the small, interconnected steps we take in personal growth and emotional rebuilding.